Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Trip to the Centrum

Today we didn't have any classes so Brigitte and I made our way to the Centrum. Finally getting the hang of the bus schedule here, we hopped off and did some shopping. The Centrum is so cool because there is a ton of stores and ones that we have never heard of before. We went into a couple different book stores since Brigitte is a reading machine. In the first one we went to, they had a small section in English but in the other one, the English books were scattered throughout. Nonetheless, the book stores were both really sweet and made me feel like I was in Barnes & Noble again (only without the Starbucks). 

After walking around for a while we decided that we needed to hit up Mcdonalds. Everything tasted the same except the ketchup was a little funky.  As we ordered, there was a guy who asked us where we were from.  We later found out that he was from Canada and had been studying here in Sweden for a year and a half! He also hit close to home.

After we got back, the Austrian girls made us a delicious dinner! It was a successful first Tuesday dinner/Girls Night! After we played some games, we went to a double birthday! A girl from Spain and a guy from France both had a birthday yesterday and decieded to share it with all of us. All the exchange students live right by each other and we are all getting really close! It was a good time.

Ta ta for now!


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