Friday, February 17, 2012

Nutty Neighbors

It has recently been brought to our attention that we live in a nut-house. Well, an ex-nut-house. Apparently Krebo (our apartment complex) used to be a drug addict housing facility. Most of the loonies don't live here anymore, with a few exceptions. Our lovely neighbor, Sharla (we named her) likes to go on our balcony and yell to no one. The creepy part of it is she almost moans, and speaks Swedish very slowly. Mariah and I had a run-in with her on the path to the University, at 8 in the morning. We saw her coming from 100 feet away, and  we also heard her... talking to herself in her same creepy moans.

There's also this old man that lives on the bottom floor of our building that clears a path (in the grass) from his doorstep, through the yard and around this dead tree that stands about 3 feet high. We've seen him dump crushed chips and cereal around the base of the tree. There also is some sort of rotting fruit or vegetable stuck on the tree branches that he religiously puts there every week.

This information on top of the fact there was a stabbing last semester outside our apartment complex brings us great comfort. There also has been many bikes stolen and a break in which resulted in a broken lock and stolen laptops. Yipee.

Sorry you had to read this, Mom.


1 comment:

  1. wait.. so you guys have been studying in the flooded ghettos of minot this whole time!?!
    haha my taken offer still stands

