Friday, February 24, 2012

FINALS... what?

So tomorrow Mariah and I have out first final, on a Saturday, in February? Our course was only 5 weeks. We attended lectures (yes, I actually went) and participated in group projects. This was a hefty load itself for just 5 weeks. In the meantime, we should have been studying for the final. In our defense, we aren't used to having only 5 weeks of class to learn a whole 600 page book, 10 article compendum AND all of the seminar information. Our teacher also said "I'm purposely not including some information that will be on the test in my lectures so you read the book" what a jerk. So needless to say, the test tomorrow will be rough at best. Oh, did i mention the final is FIVE HOURS LONG. I don't even know if I can sit that long. On the bright side, once we are done with the final we will only have one class from 4-6 pm on Wednesdays until April. This is a well deserved break I'd say.


P.S. Yes I wrote this blog instead of studying. Procrastination.

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