Wednesday, February 1, 2012

They're Baaaaaaaack.

As I walked by my lonesome to campus I saw what I've been dreading. The little girl with the stick. This time she was stickless but to make up for it she had two friends to accompany her. As they saw me, a lone sheep, they started screaming in their native tongue (which is frightening when it come from the mouth of children, my worst nightmare). They spotted me and instantly they ran over to me on the path. They continued to yell at me in Swedish, grabbed my arms, biting at me and stopping me from walking. Through this nightmare I was surprisingly hysterical. I could not contain my laughter because in my head I was already imagining telling Kari, Mariah and Brigitte. This only egged them on. Finally I walked about 50 feet and they stopped. So my question to you, what would you do if you were attacked by three Swedish girls? Think about it... how frightening.

Pray this doesn't happen to you.


P.S. Us American girls are not cut out for Swedish class... wish us luck.


  1. hahahaahahahahaahhahahahahahhaa im it to my mom. shes now dying

  2. usually i would say "this is no laughing matter" buuuut.... i couldnt even help but laugh.

  3. i'm picturing you, shanda, with a daughter of your own and getting to relive this expirence every year... please invite me to them hahaha
