Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I Can't Speak...

We all feel our English is suffering being here, which is funny since many students study here to improve their English. I have noticed myself using the most general words, because saying a word that may be in your daily life at home such as bizarre, homework, or rock they often will not understand. I’m ALWAYS using hand gestures..I really don’t know why I think this will make this understand my English better? Lastly I’m phrasing sentences completely wrong, saying things like “it would be much stupider” and so on. I know this is happening from only talking with people whose English isn’t completely correct such as the French girl who often says things such as “Oh yes you must go, it’s so funny!” when she really means to say “fun”, but how fast it’s going downhill can’t be a good sign. When we come back, be prepared for us to sound like idiots. –xoko

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