Monday, January 30, 2012

English Envy

I've never been complimented on my English, but this is not uncommon for us American girls while in Sweden. While in class one day, Mariah and I were having small talk, a girl behind us said something to the girl next to us in Swedish (we dont understaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand!) and the girl next to us translated that she is jealous of our English. I've never thought about this before, that some people strive to make their English perfect, and to us it just comes naturally. We've also been told we have amazing accents. What? Us? Accents? Amazing? They are so boring compared to everyone else's. A lot of European exchange students have come to Sweden to improve their English because the lessons in their home country are not very helpful. Our International Business teacher told Mariah and I he was nervous to speak English with us there. Ah look at us, intimidating the locals.

One minute we're hanging out the Dutchman listening to them speak Dutch, and the next we're at lunch with some Swedish girls listening them talk in Swedish (we dont understaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand!). Confused. We're getting pretty used to not know what the heck is going on anymore. Not going to lie, it's kinda nice hearing people talk in a different language because your brain automatically tunes it out. Not to mention, the accents are entertaining.

Also, a lot of times people will talk to us in Swedish, after we give them blank stares they give us looks like "what dont they understand?" Swedish. We dont understand Swedish.

Hope all is well back in the States!


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