Monday, January 23, 2012

The First Day of School

First off, Brigitte & I bought a World Poster so we can study it and not look like idiots anymore. We also bought a twilight poster...of courseJ.

Since Shanda and I are both business majors, we have all the same classes here and had our first day today. I just want to start this off by saying it was amazing!  We woke up and walked there and were one of the first people in the room. As more and more people entered, no one was speaking English. It was super overwhelming until we began to talk to the people around us.  There were two French guys behind us that we talked to, and right after we met another 2 French girls and a guy from Greece.  They were all super nice and interesting to talk to.  The accents were a little hard to understand, but we understood them for the most part.

At the beginning of the class, the professor did roll call and did the Swedish students first and then went through all the exchange students. We had to stand up say hi and say where we were from.  We learned that people were from France (most of them are), the Netherlands, China, Czech Republic, Barbados, Spain, Korea, Greece, Italy, and of course Sweden. When it was our turn he said “Maria” in an accent and I stood up, said hi, and said I was from America. Instantly everyone started talking and looking at me (like they were surprised).  Shanda shocked them again shortly after. We later found out that not too many Americans come to Sweden so that is why they were so wow’ed. 

I really like the professor so far.  The subject is International Business so he talked a lot about different cultures. During the second lecture Shanda and I noticed him looking at us a lot and asking us questions. It kind of put us on the spot a little but what can I say…I am proud to be an American and representing our country.

It is so cool that we can help change the generalization of Americans to the people we meet here.  Some examples we have heard from people already are “fat, fake, all about me me me, ect.” It is so cool to come here and be ourselves and show that we are genuine people and are nice. The professor mentioned that if the US’s states were countries they would all be so different, and it is so true. In North Dakota, like we know, you are going to find the most genuine and nice people.

I wish I could totally explain how awesome it was to be surrounded by so many different people. They all had their own look and different styles. I loved it and I can’t wait until tomorrow. 


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