Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sweden's Top 9!

I can remember January 19th (the day we left Minot) perfectly. Sharing Sheila’s no bake cookies on the plane, vigorously using our last phone opportunities, getting kicked to the back of the train in Copenhagen after accidentally boarding in first class and especially shuffling for 23 hours with two suitcases, a backpack, purse, winter coat, pillow and blanket….each.

We didn’t know what to expect coming to Kristianstad, Sweden, but I am confident that each of us gained more than we knew possible. We are very sad to be leaving, but also excited to return to the good ol’ USA. Through our journey we couldn’t help but compare the two countries we’ve called home, so as promised...

The top things we love about Sweden

The reason we love Sweden so much. 
We’ve learned so much from these people and formed so many tight bonds.
The reason we’re sad our time is coming to an end.

Anywhere in Sweden I think you could find patches of gorgeous nature. It’s excellent to just clear your mind and take a walk through forests to the lake, literally right in your backyard.

A glorious beyond glorious mix of meat, veggies, and sauce all wrapped in a pita like bread, my taste buds water just thinking about it.

In Europe it is so much easier and cheaper to travel. Every weekend can be a vacation in a new country.

“Our apartment complexes” which are the worst run and also run down. But we are a 2 minute walk tops from all of our friends and our quirky neighbors just make it interesting.

Different cultures
Europe is puzzle pieced together with different countries. America may be the “melting pot”—different backgrounds that found a harmonious common culture. In Europe however, it is common to see different races, hear different languages and view wide varieties of cultures.

School System
I’ve often heard Sweden has THE best school system in Europe. Now sadly I hope this isn’t true, since we all feel we haven’t “taken much away from our studies”, but having less class, shorter classes, and less homework than America only made our time here more enjoyable!

Less waste
In 2008 every American disposed of 60% more solid waste than Swedes. Public transportation, separating garbage and having to pay for grocery bags are just a few steps Sweden takes to minimize waste.

Less work, more play
I always remember a quote by Oprah “Work to live, not live to work”. I think Americans tend to lose themselves in their work and Europeans take more time for themselves. Which personally I think is good, we deserve it.

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