Friday, May 25, 2012

Goodbye and Hello

It's hard to believe our time here is almost finished. We have only a week left in our lovely town of Kristianstad with our amazing friends. For me, it has yet to become a reality. Of course we are excited to see our friends and family back home but we've grown so close to all of the people here. We already have speculations of a reunion next year in Barcelona and the American girls have promised to come, even if it breaks our bank. This makes our sad departure easier, and change those "goodbyes" into "see you later." We'll be busy this last week preparing our travels and soaking up whats left of this life changing experience.

Starting June 1st we embark on our 3 week travel extravaganza. At the end of our travels we will have stepped foot in 7 different countries, taken 3 planes, 4 trains, and a week long cruise. Our first stop is Barcelona, Spain. We will soak up the sun all day on the 2nd and we will meet up with our Russian friend Karina and our Turkish friend Huseyin! Also joining our cruise will be Erin and Mariahs mom, we're so glad they got the opportunity to come with us, and it will be so nice to finally see familiar faces! The next day we board the Norwegian Epic for our week long cruise starting in Naples, Italy then to Rome and Florence Italy! Then we go to Marseilles and Cannes France before going back to Barcelona.

We have one more day in Barcelona then we're off to Austria to visit our friends Verena and Johanna's native land. Then we will stay in Germany with the Tupper clan before meeting up with some of our French friends in Paris! Then we're back to Kristianstad for 2 days before we head home. We're so thankful for the hospitality of our friends we've met here, we wouldn't have the opportunity to see the many places we wanted to see without them!

Map of our travels

It will be an exhausting 3 weeks but it will be so worth it in the end. We'll get to see so much of Europe and make memories we'll have for a lifetime. We'll be so worn out after our many weeks of being tourist I'm sure all we'll want to do is crawl in our beds and sleep for 2 days straight, after getting half priced apps at Applebees of course. See you soon Minot.

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